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From water procurement to wastewater treatment

Fol­low­ing the oil and gas and energy pro­duc­tion, the water market is the third largest market world­wide. It covers the ex­trac­tion of drinking water via water treat­ment, from the trans­port through pipe systems to the end consumer, the trans­port, and treat­ment of waste­water and on to the flood control of entire cities.

The medium of water

Water is not just water. It forms a widely varied media group of com­pletely dem­iner­al­ized deion­ized water, from drinking water, mineral water, brine, thermal water, pit water, seawater, brackish water, rain­wa­ter to the partial currents of the most various waste­water com­po­si­tions e.g. gray and black water with a high per­cent­age of solids and pol­lu­tants and, not least, dif­fer­ent com­po­si­tions of in­dus­trial process water.

The chal­lenge here lies in sealing the rotating equip­ment in water ap­pli­ca­tions: de­pend­ing on the purity, solid or gas content, the dis­solved sub­stances or the pH value, “water” places the highest demands on the utilized con­struc­tion and face ma­te­ri­als of the me­chan­i­cal seal and also often enough on the type of seal.

For drinking water ap­pli­ca­tions, not only does the re­sis­tance of the ma­te­ri­als play a role, but also the safeness of the utilized face and struc­tural ma­te­ri­als of the seal must meet the strictest of stan­dards and be cer­ti­fied.

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